more abduct.c
// Abduction, for the new ninja guild
// 3/11/00 Wisp - Fixed the post delay.
// 22 Mar 00 Hawk - changed to use add_effect
inherit CMD_BASE;
#define CS "covert.stealth"
#define UA "fighting.combat.melee.unarmed"
#define ROOM "/d/chaos/budoka/special/rift_room"
#define MAX 800
#define MIN 100
#define COST -300
#define DELAY 1
#define POST_DELAY 8 // Seconds before we can try again
#define LAST_PROP "abduct_time"
#define BLOCK_PROP "no_abduct"
int query_valid_use( object ob )
if( !ob->query_property( "com_list" ) || ob->query_property( "com_list"
!= "abduct" ) return 0;
return 1;
string help()
"Skill: Abduct\n"
"Usage: abduct [me|target]\n"
"Guild Point Cost: " + COST + "\n"
" One of the most difficult arts of the Budoka to master is that "
"of rifting. You may abduct a target, taking them through a rift "
"in space for a short period of time. If you conceal yourself first "
"you will have a greater chance of success. If you feel the need, "
"you may rift yourself away.\n\n"
"Abduct uses your skill in covert.stealth and f.c.m.unarmed.\n";
string ab_checks( object me, object him )
if( me->query_gp() < (-1 * COST ) )
return "You are far too exhausted!\n";
if( !environment( me ) || environment( me )->query_rift() )
return "You cannot abduct from the void!\n";
if( !living( him ) )
return "You see little point in abducting something that does not
if( him->query_dead() )
return "You cannot abduct a ghost.\n";
if( him->query_property_exists( BLOCK_PROP ) )
return "You are unsure of how to abduct "+him->pretty_short()+".\n";
if( !him || !environment( me ) || !present( him, environment( me ) ) )
return "Your target is no longer present.\n";
if( me->query_entangled() || me->query_frozen() )
return "You are unable to move well enough to complete this difficult
if( him->query_entangled() || him->query_frozen() )
return him->pretty_short()+ " is somehow hindered. You cannot abduct "
him->query_objective() + "!\n";
protected int cmd( class command cmd )
object *targs, him;
string *list, fail;
if( !cmd->user->query_property( "com_list" ) ||
cmd->user->query_property( "com_list" )["sixth"]
!= "abduct" ) return 0;
if( cmd->arg == "help" )
tell_object( cmd->user, help() );
retu return 1;
seteuid( getuid() );
if( cmd->user->query_casting_spell( "offensive" ) )
return notify_fail( "You are too busy to use this ability right now.\n"
if( time() < cmd->user->query_property( LAST_PROP ) + POST_DELAY )
return notify_fail( "You do not have the energy to attempt this "
"complicated manuever again so soon.\n" );
if( !cmd->arg )
him = cmd->user;
list = ({ cmd->arg });
if( strsrch( cmd->arg, "," ) != -1 )
list = explode( cmd->arg, "," );
targs = find_match( cmd->user->expand_nickname( cmd->arg ),
environment( cmd->user ) );
if( !sizeof( targs ) )
return notify_fail( "You do not see your target.\n" );
him = targs[0];
if( fail = ab_checks( cmd->user, him ) )
return notify_fail( fail );
if( him == cmd->user )
tell_object( cmd->user, "You prepare to rift yourself away!\n" );
tell_object( cmd->user, "You prepare to abduct
"+him->pretty_short()+"!\n" );
cmd->user->add_effect( "/cmds/guild/budoka/abduct", ({ him, cmd->user }),
"offensive", 1 );
return 1;
int query_heart_beat_frequency() { return 1; }
int effect_heart_beat( object ob, mixed args )
object room, putz, me, start_room;
int meskill, chance, stealth, time, images = 0;
string fail;
me = args[1];
putz = args[0];
fail = ab_checks( me, putz );
start_room = ENV( me );
if( putz != me && !fail )
meskill = me->query_skill_bonus( CS )/4 + me->query_skill_bonus( UA )/4
if( meskill > MAX )
meskill = MAX;
if( meskill < MIN )
meskill = MIN;
meskill += me->query_level() - putz->query_level();
if( intp( images = putz->query_def_args( "layers" )) )
meskill -= images * 20;
if( putz->query_invisible() )
meskill -= 100;
else if( putz->query_hidden() )
meskill -= 75;
if( me->query_hidden() )
stealth = 1;
meskill += 75;
else if( me->query_invisible() )
stealth = 1;
meskill += 100;
if( sizeof( putz->query_attacker_list()) )
meskill += 100;
/cmds/guild/budoka/abduct.c From 145 to 169 of 268 (63%) - q to quit.
if( sizeof( me->query_attacker_list()) )
stealth = 0;
meskill /= 3;
if( meskill > ( chance = random( 1000 ) ) )
if( stealth )
tell_object( putz, "With a flash, a dark figure leaps from the
shadows "
"and grabs you from behind!\n" );
tell_object( me, "You leap forth and grasp "
" from the rear and drag " +putz->query_objective()+
" through a rift in space.\n" );
tell_object( putz, me->pretty_short()+" leaps at you with a
flash and "
"abducts you!\n" );
tell_object( me, "You leap forth and grasp " +
" and drag " +putz->query_objective()+
" through a rift in space!\n" );
tell_room( start_room, me->pretty_short()+" leaps toward "
+ putz->pretty_short()+ " and drags "
+ putz->query_objective()+ " through a rift in space!\n",
({ me, p ({ me, putz }) );
fail = 0;
else if( chance > meskill + 500 ) // Miserable fail
putz->remove_invis( "noise" );
if( stealth )
me->remove_invis( "combat" );
tell_room( start_room, me->pretty_short()+
" leaps from the shadows and slams into "
+putz->pretty_short()+ " with a crash.\n", ({ me, putz }) );
tell_object( putz, me->pretty_short()+ " leaps from the
" and slams into you aggressively!\n" );
tell_room( start_room, me->pretty_short()+
" leaps forward and slams into "
+putz->pretty_short()+ " with a crash!\n", ({ me, putz }) );
tell_object( putz, me->pretty_short()+ " leaps forward and
slams "
"into you aggressively!\n" );
fail = "You leap at " +putz->pretty_short()+ " but fail "
else if( chance > meskill + 250 ) // Fail
if( stealth )
tell_object( putz, "You think you noticed something move in
towards you"
" from the shadows but are not quite sure.\n" );
fail = "You leap at " +putz->pretty_short()+ " but realize "
"that you will fail and hold yourself back.\n";
else // Didn't go through with it ;)
fail = "You leap at " +putz->pretty_short()+ " but quickly realize
"that you will fail and hold yourself back before you are
noticed!\n"; }
else if( !fail )
if( !me->query_hidden() && !me->query_invisible() )
tell_room( start_room, me->pretty_short()+ " rips an invisible rift
"in space and leaps through it!\n", ({ me }) );
tell_object( me, "You rip an invisible rift in space and leap through
it!\n" );
fail = 0;
if( !fail )
me->add_property( LAST_PROP, time() );
room = clone_object( ROOM );
room->return_room( start_room );
room->set_master( me );
me->move( room );
if( putz != me )
putz->remove_invis( "noise" );
putz->move( room );
time = random(4) + me->query_level()/100 + 1;
} else time = me ->query_level() / 10 + random( 10 );
room->set_time( time );
} else tell_object( me, fail );
me->adjust_gp( COST );